Because she is so little, my belly literally fits right over hers!!
It was wonderful to be up at their house though, it is so beautiful up there in Sullivan County, and I love it that Rooney can just run free and explore, and he comes back to us when we call him so we don't have to worry. He was an angel this weekend, even with tons of people around! Go figure....I don't get that dog! Since I was so proud of him for behaving well this weekend, I decided to take him to the softball game last night even though I said I wouldn't take him anymore....well, I'm not going to take him anymore!! Stupid dog, still barking and lunging at that men. I just don't understand because he was PERFECT with all the men this weekend...he's unpredictable and that's the problem. If anyone wants to contribute to the "Get a behaviorist for Rooney to nip this in the bud before baby comes" fund, please make checks payable to me! Haha....
Maile and Chris got a new puppy that they brought up this weekend, and he just adored Rooney...they were like brothers! The puppy wanted to do everything Rooney did, if Rooney sniffed something, so did the puppy. If rooney walked somewhere, so did the puppy. It was cute. The puppy kept trying desperately to get Rooney to play by jumping up on him and standing on his back, but Rooney just did his own thing. He did play a few times, and it was sooo funny!
Here is them playing:
So in other news, I noticed that a thing or two have been already been purchased off of our registry...I was not cheating, but I went in to check on something, and noticed that they were taken off the registry. This is getting exciting!
I don't know if you have heard of Freecycle; it is a Yahoo group where people post things they are getting rid of, and you can respond if you are interested and then you go and pick it up. Everything is free, and you never know what will pop up on there...I have gotten some good stuff! The Harrisburg group is huge, so you have to respond really quickly in order to get stuff. Well, last week I happened to be checking at exactly the right time when I saw that someone posted an offer for a bassinet and an Eddie Bauer vibrating bouncer....and I was the first to respond so I got it! I went and picked it up, and what a find! The basinett will be perfect for what we need; it has an area of discoloration where her baby pushed his head against the side, but it is white so i think I can just bleach it. And the bouncer was in perfect condition! It vibrates and folds completely up so you can even travel with it! I was sooo excited! I love Freecycle! If you want info on it, let me know!!
I need to start getting the room ready by clearing out the closet with all the linens in it that is in the nursery right now, but I just don't know where I am going to put them...it is a little overwhelming when we don't really have that kind of storage upstairs, but I will figure it out. I have to make room for things that I get from the shower before the room just gets full of stuff and I can't even move around!!
What else is going on? Well, we are starting small group this weekend with a group of young married couples and our friends Brandon and Carla, who have set it up. We are really excited, since we haven't been in a small group in over a year, and we are missing that part of our lives. It is good because Brandon and Carla have a little boy who was born last September, so they are kind of at the same place as us. I'm a little nervous since I don't really know any of the other couples, but it will be good to get to know them better. AND....everyone, except Brandon and Carla, lives on the East Shore! Finally, a group of people we can relate to! Haha...just kidding...but it will be good to have some friends on the East Shore, since the only ones left over there are us and Sara and Terry. We love you, Sara and Terry, but sometimes we just need some other peeps to hang out with!
Finally, Sara took me out to buy me a maternity bathing suit this week. Let's just say that she is "renting" my non-maternity clothes for the summer. She came over and raided my closets for everything I can't fit into, and she is taking full advantage of all of those clothes. In exchange, I made her buy me a maternity bathing suit that I need. I think that's a pretty good deal, right? Haha...as long as she doesn't shrink or ruin everything! It was kinda weird to be buying a maternity bathing suit, since we will be going to the beach the beginning of August and I will be massively huge by then! I can't imagine any of those suits will look good on me, but I found one that I think will at least function for me. I didn't purchase the thong like I had planned, but I think the tankini will work out okay :)
Okay, I think that's enough....here's a belly pic for you from this week. 26 1/2 weeks now! Saturday I officially start my third trimester!!!
Sorry it took me so long to do an update!! Sara and I head to California at the end of June, so I'll write a little more about that later!