Alright, so I am sitting in grad class having a group discussion on Monday night, and this thing taps on the bottom of my belly in three different places! I swear, that was it! It felt like something just moving across the bottom of my belly, but I only felt it hit three different times. I'm trying to concentrate on the discussion we are having, but also realizing that I just felt the baby! came and went, and now I am waiting to feel it again! I felt a little tap yesterday, but that was about it. I admit, the first time I thought I felt it, it must have been something else. But I knew that was possible. This time, I'm sure. Baby is gonna start moving like crazy now!
I got a daily email about the baby's development the other day, and it said that by now the baby can sense light, so if you out a flashlight to your belly, he will move away. Well, I sat with that stupid flashlight for a long time last night trying to make him move, but nothing...maybe our baby just doesn't mind a little light!
Also, last night I had a dream that Aunt Duckie was with us, and she told us that we could actually see the baby by just opening up my belly pouch. So we did, and there was the baby. She also informed us that you could actually take the baby out and hold it for a bit, as long as you don't undo the umbilical cord. Sure enough, our baby was a boy! We held it for awhile, and then carefully positioned it back in my womb for it to grow the rest of the way. How weird!!!! Does this mean it's a boy??
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Hangin out with the Fam
Well, we got together at the Landers' house this weekend. Cailer, Craig, and Craig's daughter, Sophia, were able to come up this weekend, so Eli and I went up since we haven't seen them since they got married in August. We went down to Williamsport and got Caleb and his baby Alivia, so they spent the day with us yesterday, and even Keith came up and hung out with us! It was a really great time. It is so weird how this family has exploded in just the last year. We have two new husbands, one new baby, and two little ones on the way! Unfortunately, Maile and Chris couldn't come because they had a concert or something to go to.
It was really neat to see Cailer, who is 5 months pregnant, just five weeks ahead of me. Her belly seems a lot more "real" than mine....but I guess it tells me what I will look like in a few weeks! They find out what they are having really soon, so that will be neat. I think Mom and Dad are just thrilled to have all these new family members. We always tease Mom that she acts like she is so tough-skinned, but she becomes a blubbering, goo-goo ga-ga grandma when she is around Alivia! It's cute!

This is Cailer and me with our bellies: I'm only slightly taller than her! :)
It was really great to see everyone, and things are just so different now than they were before. Caleb is soo sweet with his little baby, and it is amazing to see him as a daddy. Keith loves Alivia, and is so sweet with her as well. I had a good time with Sophia, although she is extremely competitive, and can have some wild melt-downs when you beat her at Guitar Hero (which only Caleb is able to do). Let me just say though, when Dad Landers and I played against each other (on easy of course), I beat him! We are soo pathetic :) Sophia's fun though, and actually had some great answers for Scattergories!
So last night, we were trying to figure out what to do; of course I suggested Scattergories. Everyone booed at first, but then we did play, and of course things turned crazy! It turns out that Craig is the worst Scattergories player of all times, as every answer he gives begins with a disclaimer, such as, "you have to remember that other countries think of this differently..." I caught Keith though, because he gives me such a hard time about pushing the limits of this game, but he totally gave Craig credit for all his crazy answers! Haha...oh well, I guess I have to accept the prejudice from him :) Love ya Keith!
Well, that's it for now. Spring break is over, so the craziness of my job, internship and classes starts again this week! I only have to make it til the beginning of May!
It was really neat to see Cailer, who is 5 months pregnant, just five weeks ahead of me. Her belly seems a lot more "real" than mine....but I guess it tells me what I will look like in a few weeks! They find out what they are having really soon, so that will be neat. I think Mom and Dad are just thrilled to have all these new family members. We always tease Mom that she acts like she is so tough-skinned, but she becomes a blubbering, goo-goo ga-ga grandma when she is around Alivia! It's cute!

This is Cailer and me with our bellies: I'm only slightly taller than her! :)
It was really great to see everyone, and things are just so different now than they were before. Caleb is soo sweet with his little baby, and it is amazing to see him as a daddy. Keith loves Alivia, and is so sweet with her as well. I had a good time with Sophia, although she is extremely competitive, and can have some wild melt-downs when you beat her at Guitar Hero (which only Caleb is able to do). Let me just say though, when Dad Landers and I played against each other (on easy of course), I beat him! We are soo pathetic :) Sophia's fun though, and actually had some great answers for Scattergories!
This is sweet little Alivia, sleeping on my bosom :)
So last night, we were trying to figure out what to do; of course I suggested Scattergories. Everyone booed at first, but then we did play, and of course things turned crazy! It turns out that Craig is the worst Scattergories player of all times, as every answer he gives begins with a disclaimer, such as, "you have to remember that other countries think of this differently..." I caught Keith though, because he gives me such a hard time about pushing the limits of this game, but he totally gave Craig credit for all his crazy answers! Haha...oh well, I guess I have to accept the prejudice from him :) Love ya Keith!
Well, that's it for now. Spring break is over, so the craziness of my job, internship and classes starts again this week! I only have to make it til the beginning of May!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
"Strange things are happening to my body...."
(That's from "The Other Sister" by the way - only the best movie ever made!)
Haha....well, today either my belly popped out or it was just the particular outfit I was wearing. All day, I kept looking down and being like, "what the heck is that?" Haha....people at the office kept saying things, and my sister Sara accused me of making it up :) Just kidding, she just finds it weird to see a belly on me! I am realizing that maternity pants are SO much more comfortable than regular pants, and I think I may NEVER go back, pregnant or not! We have been looking at baby cribs and baby bedding, which seems a little too early, but people are recommending we start looking to register soon, and then we can keep adjusting it as time goes on. I feel like I will be ready to be a mom, and I know how to deal with newborns, but how the heck do I decorate a nursery??? Well, I guess if I keep my priorities straight, the nursery will fall into place :)
We go to the doctor on Thursday, so I'm looking forward to that, although I don't think he is going to do anything special at this appointment. We will hear the heartbeat though! How wonderful to be in sync with the miracle inside of me....I wonder if he is going to schedule our ultrasound to find out what we're having! Hopefully, it's a baby...:) If I had my way, it would be a beautiful little biracial baby, but I guess Eli has assured me that is not going to happen. Oh well, I guess we will have to adopt one later!
Haha....well, today either my belly popped out or it was just the particular outfit I was wearing. All day, I kept looking down and being like, "what the heck is that?" Haha....people at the office kept saying things, and my sister Sara accused me of making it up :) Just kidding, she just finds it weird to see a belly on me! I am realizing that maternity pants are SO much more comfortable than regular pants, and I think I may NEVER go back, pregnant or not! We have been looking at baby cribs and baby bedding, which seems a little too early, but people are recommending we start looking to register soon, and then we can keep adjusting it as time goes on. I feel like I will be ready to be a mom, and I know how to deal with newborns, but how the heck do I decorate a nursery??? Well, I guess if I keep my priorities straight, the nursery will fall into place :)
We go to the doctor on Thursday, so I'm looking forward to that, although I don't think he is going to do anything special at this appointment. We will hear the heartbeat though! How wonderful to be in sync with the miracle inside of me....I wonder if he is going to schedule our ultrasound to find out what we're having! Hopefully, it's a baby...:) If I had my way, it would be a beautiful little biracial baby, but I guess Eli has assured me that is not going to happen. Oh well, I guess we will have to adopt one later!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
What's it gonna be like?

So last night Eli and I were hangin out with my family over at Amy and Greg's house. Now that I have my new little nephew, Collin, it brings a whole new understanding to what I have to look forward to in a few short months. But even better than that, we woke my niece Emma up from her nap (kiddos waking up are the best!). She saw she was very tired, so she rested in bed a little longer while I read to her. When she finally came out, she came over and snuggled between Eli and I on the couch and wanted to read some books with us. She rested her head on my bosom (which is bigger now that it used to be :), and stayed there for awhile. If being in love with a niece and nephew is this amazing, how much better could it possibly be with my own child?? As I was holding Collin, though, the funniest thing happened. He was getting pretty hungry, but we were all still finishing dinner, so I tried to keep him content for a little longer until Amy could finish eating. I saw him start rooting around towards my arm, knowing that he was getting hungry. Well, he started sucking at my arm! Haha...I tried to tell him he wasn't going to get any milk from my arm, but he seemed content to suck on my shirt, so I just let him. What a moment:)

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Did I feel you move???
Sooo...I guess I can document my pregnancy a little bit. I am now 14 weeks! Time is flying (kinda). But the biggest news this week is that I think I felt the baby move for the first time! I was at work, and after lunch, a couple people were hangin out in my office, chatting. They asked if I had felt the baby move yet, and I said that I had not. The one girl, who had a baby about six months ago, was telling me how it felt for her, something like a goldfish swimming around a bag. As I sat in my desk chair listening, I swear, I swear!, I felt that exact feeling on the left side of my stomach! I had not felt it before then, and I have not felt it since! Even though I lay in bed and try not to move or breathe and see if I can feel it, no luck. I know it wasn't my belly rumbling, because it was distinctly on the left side of my belly. But I also know that it is pretty early to be able to feel anything, so I acknowledge that it may not have been the baby. But as my belly visibly grows, I am excited to be able to feel this crazy little baby moving around inside of me.
Pregnancy is absolutely amazing, and I am really thankful and honored, especially in light of our previous miscarriage, that God is entrusting us with this little baby's life, and allowing us to experience this miracle!
We go to the doctor this Thursday, and I'm hoping we will hear the heartbeat! I don't think too much else will happen that is exciting, but hopefully he will schedule our 20-week ultrasound (or a little sooner) to find out whether it's a boy or a girl! Stay tuned!

Pregnancy is absolutely amazing, and I am really thankful and honored, especially in light of our previous miscarriage, that God is entrusting us with this little baby's life, and allowing us to experience this miracle!
We go to the doctor this Thursday, and I'm hoping we will hear the heartbeat! I don't think too much else will happen that is exciting, but hopefully he will schedule our 20-week ultrasound (or a little sooner) to find out whether it's a boy or a girl! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A blog?
So I can't believe I actually created a blog...but I thought it would be a neat memento as we document our growing family. Hope you enjoy it, and I hope I keep it updated!
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