It was really neat to see Cailer, who is 5 months pregnant, just five weeks ahead of me. Her belly seems a lot more "real" than mine....but I guess it tells me what I will look like in a few weeks! They find out what they are having really soon, so that will be neat. I think Mom and Dad are just thrilled to have all these new family members. We always tease Mom that she acts like she is so tough-skinned, but she becomes a blubbering, goo-goo ga-ga grandma when she is around Alivia! It's cute!

This is Cailer and me with our bellies: I'm only slightly taller than her! :)
It was really great to see everyone, and things are just so different now than they were before. Caleb is soo sweet with his little baby, and it is amazing to see him as a daddy. Keith loves Alivia, and is so sweet with her as well. I had a good time with Sophia, although she is extremely competitive, and can have some wild melt-downs when you beat her at Guitar Hero (which only Caleb is able to do). Let me just say though, when Dad Landers and I played against each other (on easy of course), I beat him! We are soo pathetic :) Sophia's fun though, and actually had some great answers for Scattergories!
This is sweet little Alivia, sleeping on my bosom :)
So last night, we were trying to figure out what to do; of course I suggested Scattergories. Everyone booed at first, but then we did play, and of course things turned crazy! It turns out that Craig is the worst Scattergories player of all times, as every answer he gives begins with a disclaimer, such as, "you have to remember that other countries think of this differently..." I caught Keith though, because he gives me such a hard time about pushing the limits of this game, but he totally gave Craig credit for all his crazy answers! Haha...oh well, I guess I have to accept the prejudice from him :) Love ya Keith!
Well, that's it for now. Spring break is over, so the craziness of my job, internship and classes starts again this week! I only have to make it til the beginning of May!
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