Ok, Ok, I've been chastised for not updating this blog. But please, give me some grace. I am at the very end of my semester (only about three more weeks, yay!) and I have two GIANT projects I am working on. Just what I need, boo....
Anyway, the biggest news this week is that Eli felt the baby move!! Amazing! We were sitting on the couch Saturday night and I was feeling the baby kicking around a lot. Of course I told Eli the baby was moving, and like always, he put his hand on my belly, even though he knows he can't feel the baby yet. But, he goes, "I just felt it!" "Right there?" "Right now!" Oh my gosh! He was feeling the baby....he felt it like 5 times! I thought it was way too early for him to be feeling the baby; I mean, the kicks I feel are still not too strong yet. But sure enough, he was feeling the little one!
Once you feel the baby, it just makes everything so much more real! Having Eli feel it was even more amazing than feeling it myself (well, maybe not, but it was great!)
My belly keeps growing, and I am just about out of regular clothes that I can force myself into. So maternity clothes it is. Fortunately, empire waists are the style now, so I bought a bunch of cheap non-maternity ones to wear. I told Eli yesterday that I need to pull out my maternity camisoles. I wear them under my regular shirts every day, and yesterday it kept ending up ON TOP of my belly and I had to keep pulling it down! Then Eli said, "Yeah, if I reach over to you during the night, your shirt is always above your belly!" Haha....guess I got to move to some bigger stuff.
I'm eating like a pig, and it's actually kinda embarrassing. Yesterday before class I bought a foot-long sub at Subway (only $5 right now) because it was cheaper than a 6 inch. I knew I would only eat half, but I was planning to take the other half home. Well, I ate the whole stinkin' foot-long sub!!! Oh my gosh! Maybe I don't really have a pregnancy belly at all, and it's just all the food I've been eating! But my weight gain is still on-target, for now, so I guess I don't have to worry too much. And FYI, Blizzards are a pregnant woman's best friend...so if you ever want to treat me to one, I'm in!
This weekend we ended up moving the rooms around so that the nursery is ready to be started. I think we ended up doing a lot more than we actually planned, and I was exhausted at the end of the weekend! But it feels great to have that done, and the guest room actually looks a lot better where the office was. Now it is just time to get rid of the awful neon pink in the nursery! I never thought it was so bad and I just thought it was funny, but I can hardly wait to get rid of it now!
We also picked up our glider for the nursery this weekend. It is so comfortable! A Dutailier of course, thanks Aunt Duckie for the wonderful gift! It is so comfortable and will hopefully make nighttime feedings a little better. But Eli swears our baby will be sleeping through the night at 2 weeks! Haha....he's just teasing though.
This has all been really fun, except for the backaches...
We have our 20-week ultrasound on FRIDAY!! and we will be finding out whether it is a boy or a girl. I know, one of those "New Age" couples who doesn't like surprises. Haha...yea right. We just want to know. You all will hear about it as well, if you care that is :)
A whole sub...not a big deal! Now a whole pizza or a gallon of ice cream - whoa! Love that belly pic! Love ya! Can't wait to see tomorrow!
can't wait till tomorrow!!! i feel like i'm having this baby ;) hhaha...better you than me!
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