Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Well, here we are....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It IS a miracle...
"Thanks for the encouragement!! I actually am enjoying my pregnancy...people keep telling me I have a glow about me, which I don't really understand, but I LOVE feeling this little guy move and roll and stick his foot out so that I can feel it poking through! I was telling my hubby yesterday that it is hard not being able to breathe, and it is very hard to get comfortable when I am trying to just sit and read or something (I am in an online grad class right now), but other than that, I have had an ideal pregnancy!
At the same time, I am scared about a lot of things - giving birth, taking care of a newborn, our changing life, but I just can't wait to hold our little boy in our arms and fall so deeply in love!! I also can't wait to see Eli become a daddy; I think it will transform our relationship forever!"
I realized that I hope that I am not complaining too much and giving the impression that being pregnant is not the miracle that it is...because it truly is a miracle and something so unique that God provided just to women! It has changed my life, and I just wanted to share that!
Here I am this week:
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I didn't realize I'd be so exhausted...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I'm back again....

Because she is so little, my belly literally fits right over hers!!
It was wonderful to be up at their house though, it is so beautiful up there in Sullivan County, and I love it that Rooney can just run free and explore, and he comes back to us when we call him so we don't have to worry. He was an angel this weekend, even with tons of people around! Go figure....I don't get that dog! Since I was so proud of him for behaving well this weekend, I decided to take him to the softball game last night even though I said I wouldn't take him anymore....well, I'm not going to take him anymore!! Stupid dog, still barking and lunging at that men. I just don't understand because he was PERFECT with all the men this weekend...he's unpredictable and that's the problem. If anyone wants to contribute to the "Get a behaviorist for Rooney to nip this in the bud before baby comes" fund, please make checks payable to me! Haha....
Maile and Chris got a new puppy that they brought up this weekend, and he just adored Rooney...they were like brothers! The puppy wanted to do everything Rooney did, if Rooney sniffed something, so did the puppy. If rooney walked somewhere, so did the puppy. It was cute. The puppy kept trying desperately to get Rooney to play by jumping up on him and standing on his back, but Rooney just did his own thing. He did play a few times, and it was sooo funny!
Here is them playing:
So in other news, I noticed that a thing or two have been already been purchased off of our registry...I was not cheating, but I went in to check on something, and noticed that they were taken off the registry. This is getting exciting!
I don't know if you have heard of Freecycle; it is a Yahoo group where people post things they are getting rid of, and you can respond if you are interested and then you go and pick it up. Everything is free, and you never know what will pop up on there...I have gotten some good stuff! The Harrisburg group is huge, so you have to respond really quickly in order to get stuff. Well, last week I happened to be checking at exactly the right time when I saw that someone posted an offer for a bassinet and an Eddie Bauer vibrating bouncer....and I was the first to respond so I got it! I went and picked it up, and what a find! The basinett will be perfect for what we need; it has an area of discoloration where her baby pushed his head against the side, but it is white so i think I can just bleach it. And the bouncer was in perfect condition! It vibrates and folds completely up so you can even travel with it! I was sooo excited! I love Freecycle! If you want info on it, let me know!!
I need to start getting the room ready by clearing out the closet with all the linens in it that is in the nursery right now, but I just don't know where I am going to put is a little overwhelming when we don't really have that kind of storage upstairs, but I will figure it out. I have to make room for things that I get from the shower before the room just gets full of stuff and I can't even move around!!
What else is going on? Well, we are starting small group this weekend with a group of young married couples and our friends Brandon and Carla, who have set it up. We are really excited, since we haven't been in a small group in over a year, and we are missing that part of our lives. It is good because Brandon and Carla have a little boy who was born last September, so they are kind of at the same place as us. I'm a little nervous since I don't really know any of the other couples, but it will be good to get to know them better. AND....everyone, except Brandon and Carla, lives on the East Shore! Finally, a group of people we can relate to! Haha...just kidding...but it will be good to have some friends on the East Shore, since the only ones left over there are us and Sara and Terry. We love you, Sara and Terry, but sometimes we just need some other peeps to hang out with!
Finally, Sara took me out to buy me a maternity bathing suit this week. Let's just say that she is "renting" my non-maternity clothes for the summer. She came over and raided my closets for everything I can't fit into, and she is taking full advantage of all of those clothes. In exchange, I made her buy me a maternity bathing suit that I need. I think that's a pretty good deal, right? long as she doesn't shrink or ruin everything! It was kinda weird to be buying a maternity bathing suit, since we will be going to the beach the beginning of August and I will be massively huge by then! I can't imagine any of those suits will look good on me, but I found one that I think will at least function for me. I didn't purchase the thong like I had planned, but I think the tankini will work out okay :)
Okay, I think that's's a belly pic for you from this week. 26 1/2 weeks now! Saturday I officially start my third trimester!!!
Sorry it took me so long to do an update!! Sara and I head to California at the end of June, so I'll write a little more about that later!
Friday, May 16, 2008
I AM still alive!!
My back has been really sore lately, and the only thing that relieves it is laying down on my bed for awhile. I called the doc about two weeks ago, and the nurse told me a physical therapy consult was a good idea and she would have the doc call me to set it up. Well, five days later, some other random doc calls (Kristen, it was a Dr. Hallowell??) and asks, "Any bleeding? Contractions? Still feeling the baby move?" Then she says, "Well, there is no reason to be concerned then...." I was like "Lady, I'm not concerned, I'm uncomfortable!!" Anyway, she was not helpful and told me to just wait until my appt on 5/30. That stinks.....
So much has happened since I've last written on here. I guess the biggest news is that we have the nursery painted, we have our crib, and things are actually moving along. It still feels so weird to think that this is just real life now....a baby is on the way. Last night I was relaxing watching tv, and I got up to go to bed, and I forgot that I was pregnant with this big belly!! It was actually a little bit depressing, to be honest, because I just don't feel very attractive lately. Eli is wonderful, always telling me how beautiful I am as a pregnant woman. But sometimes, all this new weight just feels big!
Eli and I started on our budget this month with our MICS (Money I Can Spend) money. Thanks to Sara and Terry, who have used this method for years, we are now practicing what it is to be living on one income. It hasn't been too bad so far, and actually it really helps me to think through things before I just go and buy them. I keep telling Eli that I should get some extra as a pregnant woman to fill cravings, considering almost all my money this month has gone to things like McD's hot fudge sundaes, iced coffees, snacks on the road, etc., but he just won't let me :) Oh well, I will have to curb my cravings at home.
So you all know how I collect milk ads and purchase a lot from Ebay? Lately, I've been so frustrated by those people who wait until the last second, and then they outbid you. So you think you won it, and then two minutes later you get an email that you were outbid at the last second! Anyway, I saw the cutest Got Milk baby boy newborn set on there. It had a bottle, bib, onesie, blanket, pacifier, and a bunch of other stuff that was blue with the Got Milk logo. It was going for 5 bucks with 5 bucks shipping, and I was going to use my MICS money to get it. I watched it until it was 11 minutes from ending, and there had been no other bids on it the whole time. Well, I was SO disappointed when someone else outbid me with 30 seconds to go. I was so excited about it! Oh well, I guess I should just let it go :)
It's been so long on here that I don't really even know what else to add. I guess I will add the latest belly pic. I'm looking forward to summer coming up, and especially to Sara and my trip to Cali to go to our cousin's wedding. It will be so good to see family that we literally have not seen in 14 years! Pretty bad, huh? We were hoping to do some sightseeing in San Francisco, but that doesn't seem to be working out to well with our family's schedules. It will be good times though, as long as Sara takes care of me when I need it! If you see her, remind her that she needs to take care of me while we are out there. Those flights and the time change are gonna be tough!
Believe it or not, I am really looking forward to getting some swimming in this summer. I feel like it will be very refreshing during this very hot, swollen, summer for me, and maybe I will feel a little lighter in the water!! Hopefully I can find a pool to swim in!
We are looking forward to a weekend with no plans this weekend. Last weekend my parents stayed with us, which was great, but it was also crazy with all the yardsaling and the whole family over in our little house on Saturday!! My mom and I got some awesome deals at the yardsales though. Up at at 'em at 7:30. Early bird gets the worm! Our deal of the day was this big Little Tikes toddler swingset, with 6 different swings (baby swing, normal swing, those up and down swings, etc.) and a slide....for 30 bucks!!! We took it apart for now and put it away until it is time to use it, but I was really excited about it.
Ok, that's enough rambling for's what I look like now:

I know, it's not the most flattering picture, but I am trying to get one each week, and this was the only chance I had to take a pic.
I'll write more soon!! If you have any ideas to help with backache, feel free to share!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Baby's Room
Oh well, we took our best shot. Eli primed it yesterday and painted the bottom half today. It is a really sweet shade of baby green :) He is going to finish the upper half tomorrow and then put the chair rail up. He's a wonderful guy! It is going to be really cute. We finally picked our bedding and crib, so things are moving in the right direction.
Last night we hung out with our college buddies, since Ari was in from Pittsburgh, and it was her birthday too! Good times....I was laughing so much that seriously, last night after we got home, I was miserable. My back was aching so bad and my stomach muscles were so sore from laughing. But I guess it was worth it! Friends are fabulous!
So my back has really been aching a started out over a month ago that it would be sore around 8 pm and I would need to lay down and rest with some heat. Well, by now, it is sore by about 11 am and not too much really helps it except laying down, and even then, when I get up it is sore again. I called the doc on Friday about getting some physical therapy or something else that might help, since I know it is only going to get worse. Sometimes it really hurts, but this is the price we mothers pay! Hopefully I will hear from the doctor tomorrow with some good news. Anybody with advice, feel free to give it!!
Well, on that note, I'm gonna lay down and get some rest. Later!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Running Errands - who knew it could be so fun?
3D Ultrasound?!?!?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Take a guess...

Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Ultrasound

Since my internship works with Maternal Fetal Medicine at Hershey Med, I knew both of the ultrasound techs, and I was crossing my fingers that we would get the tech, just because she is really sweet and passionate about what she does. Sure enough, she calls us in for the ultrasound. So I lay down and she puts the jelly on my belly :) You know, they keep it in a warmer so it's nice and warm! So I lay down and she starts moving around, talking us through the entire time. It was amazing to see the baby kicking and rolling around, and then to feel it in my belly at the same time!! What a miracle! So she shows us all the separate pieces of the baby's body...brain, stomach, bladder, heart, kidneys, arms, legs, everything! It was so neat.

I think Eli was just soo happy and he was taking all these pictures of me on the beautiful day...Even though they aren't the most flattering pictures, I will post them anyway:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sorry it's been awhile!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Amazing Day...for so many reasons...
In baby news, it is amazing that I can now feel the baby pretty regularly. I obviously can't predict it, but when it happens, I know exactly what it is. It is the most amazing feeling. To think that I am now 18 weeks! Time is flying!! I am just so thankful for all of the wonderful things that are happening in our life right now.
Eli is the sweetest thing too. When I tell him the baby is moving, he runs over and puts his hand on my belly, desperately trying to feel...I keep telling him that he won't be able to feel for awhile, but he just loves his little baby so much, so I just let him :) I am so thankful to have a husband and best friend that is so wonderful and loves the Lord and his family so much. It is going to be so special to be a little family and see him caring for his new little baby.
Only two weeks until we find out what we are having! Eli says to the baby last night, "Okay, baby, we will see you in two weeks..." I'm like what are you talking about? Then I realized he meant the ultrasound :) So sweet!
Here's me now:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Family and Friends are Great!
I talked to Eli's sister Cailer yesterday, who informed us that they will be having a little girl! That's what we all figured for some reason. But now I feel like we really are going to have a boy! Not ONE person has said they think we are having a girl, although I always felt like that's what I wanted, but now I'm thinking a boy would be great! Who am I kidding? Any kind of baby will be great! People comment that I am "carrying high," which apparently means there is a boy in there??? I don't get it!
Once again, my belly has popped a little. It kinda feels a little weird now almost. And after I eat a meal and my belly is really full, it feels like it is just pulling outward. Like my skin is stretching or something. It's weird, and I bet I am weird too, but oh well. Eli and I had dinner outside on the deck for the first tiem this spring, and we realized that next time we have our first dinner outside, we will have a little one with us! Weird...
I need a little leeway over these next couple weeks as I am finishing my semester. I have about 6,345,333 projects and papers to do, and it doesn't leave much time to write on here. And when I do, I feel guilty, like I should be working on one of those 6,345,333 things instead.
We took the funniest picture of Collin this weekend, but of course Sara hasn't posted it yet, so I will have to wait until I get it from her, and then I'll put it up!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Ok, I swear this time....
I got a daily email about the baby's development the other day, and it said that by now the baby can sense light, so if you out a flashlight to your belly, he will move away. Well, I sat with that stupid flashlight for a long time last night trying to make him move, but nothing...maybe our baby just doesn't mind a little light!
Also, last night I had a dream that Aunt Duckie was with us, and she told us that we could actually see the baby by just opening up my belly pouch. So we did, and there was the baby. She also informed us that you could actually take the baby out and hold it for a bit, as long as you don't undo the umbilical cord. Sure enough, our baby was a boy! We held it for awhile, and then carefully positioned it back in my womb for it to grow the rest of the way. How weird!!!! Does this mean it's a boy??
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Hangin out with the Fam
It was really neat to see Cailer, who is 5 months pregnant, just five weeks ahead of me. Her belly seems a lot more "real" than mine....but I guess it tells me what I will look like in a few weeks! They find out what they are having really soon, so that will be neat. I think Mom and Dad are just thrilled to have all these new family members. We always tease Mom that she acts like she is so tough-skinned, but she becomes a blubbering, goo-goo ga-ga grandma when she is around Alivia! It's cute!

This is Cailer and me with our bellies: I'm only slightly taller than her! :)
It was really great to see everyone, and things are just so different now than they were before. Caleb is soo sweet with his little baby, and it is amazing to see him as a daddy. Keith loves Alivia, and is so sweet with her as well. I had a good time with Sophia, although she is extremely competitive, and can have some wild melt-downs when you beat her at Guitar Hero (which only Caleb is able to do). Let me just say though, when Dad Landers and I played against each other (on easy of course), I beat him! We are soo pathetic :) Sophia's fun though, and actually had some great answers for Scattergories!
This is sweet little Alivia, sleeping on my bosom :)
So last night, we were trying to figure out what to do; of course I suggested Scattergories. Everyone booed at first, but then we did play, and of course things turned crazy! It turns out that Craig is the worst Scattergories player of all times, as every answer he gives begins with a disclaimer, such as, "you have to remember that other countries think of this differently..." I caught Keith though, because he gives me such a hard time about pushing the limits of this game, but he totally gave Craig credit for all his crazy answers! Haha...oh well, I guess I have to accept the prejudice from him :) Love ya Keith!
Well, that's it for now. Spring break is over, so the craziness of my job, internship and classes starts again this week! I only have to make it til the beginning of May!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
"Strange things are happening to my body...."
Haha....well, today either my belly popped out or it was just the particular outfit I was wearing. All day, I kept looking down and being like, "what the heck is that?" Haha....people at the office kept saying things, and my sister Sara accused me of making it up :) Just kidding, she just finds it weird to see a belly on me! I am realizing that maternity pants are SO much more comfortable than regular pants, and I think I may NEVER go back, pregnant or not! We have been looking at baby cribs and baby bedding, which seems a little too early, but people are recommending we start looking to register soon, and then we can keep adjusting it as time goes on. I feel like I will be ready to be a mom, and I know how to deal with newborns, but how the heck do I decorate a nursery??? Well, I guess if I keep my priorities straight, the nursery will fall into place :)
We go to the doctor on Thursday, so I'm looking forward to that, although I don't think he is going to do anything special at this appointment. We will hear the heartbeat though! How wonderful to be in sync with the miracle inside of me....I wonder if he is going to schedule our ultrasound to find out what we're having! Hopefully, it's a baby...:) If I had my way, it would be a beautiful little biracial baby, but I guess Eli has assured me that is not going to happen. Oh well, I guess we will have to adopt one later!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
What's it gonna be like?

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Did I feel you move???
Pregnancy is absolutely amazing, and I am really thankful and honored, especially in light of our previous miscarriage, that God is entrusting us with this little baby's life, and allowing us to experience this miracle!
We go to the doctor this Thursday, and I'm hoping we will hear the heartbeat! I don't think too much else will happen that is exciting, but hopefully he will schedule our 20-week ultrasound (or a little sooner) to find out whether it's a boy or a girl! Stay tuned!